
Posts Tagged ‘nervous’

Michelle at SomeGirl’sWebsite invited me to submit a guest post this week. She is enjoying some time away with her family and has asked four people to submit guest posts this week for her. My day is Thursday. Today. It’s here. I have to admit that I’ve been nervous about it! Sometimes I spend a lot of time deciding what to write on my blog let alone someone elses! I was surprised and honored that she asked me to take part in this. So, Michelle, thank you for having me!

If you are here at aplaceforthoughts.com because of my post on Michelle’s site – thank you for taking the time to come here. I hope you enjoy the site and that you’ll be back again!

Here is my guest post titled Lifted with love:

It was a beautiful day yesterday. My little guy and I headed out for lunch plans and on the drive home I realized just how beautiful it was. Part of me started to wonder if it was because it was the first time I had been out in a week (little guy was sick) or if it was that I was actually noticing the beauty of the day. I like to think that I notice beautiful things all the time but this was different. I could feel it… (click here to read the rest!)

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